Austin's Best Little Music School

Drum Lessons – Austin

Drum Lessons

When to Start Drum Lessons in Austin

Typically, we recommend that kids start drum lessons at age 7. Most kids at this age are tall enough to touch the foot petals on the drum set. Of course, other factors come into play when it comes to a child's ability. We offer a free consultation to all of our students to ensure that we find the right instrument.

Drum Lesson Coordination

Drum lessons in Austin tx embodies the art of coordination. This does not mean that if your child is awkward and nonathletic that you can cross drumming off the list. Drum lessons may help your child's coordination and sensory by developing the skill of drum play.

Students are given specific tasks to accomplish in accordance with the style and complexity of the songs the guitar groups are working on. Through this approach, drum students can feel like a member of the band as they practice. Before you know it your child will have developed the coordination and limb independence necessary to execute most basic drum patterns, fills, and rudiments.

What will Drum Lessons Be Like?

We will begin to build your foundation and knowledge right away to set you up for success. Like our other services, we will acclimate you in different genres and allow you to dictate which songs you prefer playing so if you want to learn rock, reggae, hip hop, or jazz we've got you covered. All students will learn how to set up their drums, play pedals, and properly hold their sticks. Online drum students will have extended instruction on drum set-up as we will need to see all angles of your drum set, which may take more than one device.

Okay, lets schedule a meeting!

We look forward to meeting you. We offer free virtual consultations for those that can't meet us in person. Lets get started!.

Discover More Lessons

We also instruct the following: