Austin's Best Little Music School
What Kind of Private Music Lessons in Austin Are Good For My Child?

What Kind of Private Music Lessons in Austin Are Good For My Child?

Yikes! It’s time to start thinking seriously about the new school year. Being indecisive about where you’re going to enroll your little in extra curricular activities, i.e. private music lessons, can backfire. If you wait until the last minute there may not be an available time slot that fits your schedule.

Finding the Perfect Music School can seem like a daunting task if you’re already tired from researching the best neighborhood to live in and the best school for your child to attend. If you’re reading this then chances are you have at least decided that Austin is the best city to live, raise a family, and connect with creatives. Great Choice! This city is chalk-full of fab eateries, casual-chic fashion, tons of start-up businesses, entertainment, and live music. Austin is best known as The Live Music Capital of the World, which also makes it a gold mine for private music lessons too.

What Kind of Private Music Lessons in Austin Are Good For My Child?

Private Music Lessons

One of the most important questions to ask yourself is What’s the best environment for my child? This question should cover the type of teacher, lessons, learning style of your child, and school. Depending on your family dynamic, none of these things may matter because as the Head of Household, what you say goes and that’s final! If this is the case skip ahead to Charming & Small Music School and the vast majority of you keep reading.

Since music lessons in Austin are a dime a dozen, it shouldn’t be hard to find a music school that teaches a genre you prefer. If you desire a particular instrument matched with a specific teaching style then this is where things get a little tricky so make sure that you are able to sit in on a lesson to get a good feel for the instructor’s style of teaching. Also, make sure that you are taking a look at the facility to ensure that the environment is organized, and kid-friendly.

Narrow down all your needs by creating a checklist of things you know your child will like and how they like to learn. Take note of your child’s personality and natural curiosity. Is there a song they happily sing and dance to? Perhaps they are drawn to a particular instrument or sound. Now the hard part. Mesh their desired music style with your list keepers and find a happy medium.

Discussing Music With Your Child

It is imperative that you choose your words wisely before discussing music lessons with your child. Also, have a good understanding of what you want for your child before you sign up. Do you want private music lessons to be a variable enrichment session or a life’s passion? We have seen a few instances where parents are visibly crushed when their child decides to opt out. If you tell your child that they have the option to decline then at some point they will. Enduring hardships should be part of the experience. The sooner they learn this the better off they’ll be. Of course, some kids have a natural affinity for music, but for most kids when the lessons get tough they’re looking to push the eject button.

Teaching Style

Pay attention! As mentioned before, Austin has plenty of amazing musicians that have taken interest in teaching music. Their qualifications are a mile long. They have played beside outstanding world re-known artists that instantly make you feel like your child is in good hands. No brainer, right! Well, kind of. A child could care less about a teacher’s resume. The highly qualified musician might not have the ability to simplify their lessons to a level that a child can understand or simply cannot connect with their students because they lack the ability to do so. Keep in mind the attention span of a 6-year-old child that has no prior history of music. Time, patience, and flexibility matched with a fun personality are all required to be the best music teacher.

Charming & Small Music School

This is where your research can get a little tricky. Austin is a Keep Austin Weird kind-of-city. Even private music lessons can get interesting. Some of you hate the thought of your kids being “farmed” in an industry-standard music lesson.  Small and charming is the better fit if this sounds like you. Mainstream music schools may not be set up to meet each child’s individual needs. Worse, the lesson might feel generic. Small music schools usually provide stellar niche instruction and specialize in certain instruments. A home music studio or small music school may offer everything you need including fun events without unnecessary dazzle.

Hip & Mainstream Music School

Alternatively, if you want an impressive instrument selection then perhaps this might be more your speed. The chances that they will have tons of different teachers specializing in a lot of genres may be ideal for your situation. The facilities may also be equipped with tech toys you didn’t consider that might enhance the lesson. School of Rock or Hip music schools are perfect for parents expecting a show with all the bells and whistles. However, in our research we noticed that these schools tend to have a higher price point.

You Decide

There is not a right or wrong choice in selecting a music school. You know better than anyone what is best. Just find a place that works for your family. Before signing up contact the music school first before booking. In some cases, a free consultation is offered so you can tour the school, meet the teacher(s), and find out if the school meets your needs, budget, and style.

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