Austin's Best Little Music School
Students Create Irresistible Thank You Cards For A Music Teacher

Students Create Irresistible Thank You Cards For A Music Teacher

I am so horrible at remembering to have my camera handy to take every memorable moment that happens here at my house and/or the music studio. Most people are glued to their phones snapping selfies or randoms multiple times a day, but if you really know me then you know that once I walk through my front door it’s like I have turned the world off. Technology is the farthest thing from my mind. I am sure this is because I’m usually distracted by more pressing matters, but for now I am adding pictures to my business bucket list starting with irresistible thank you cards.

Students Create Irresistible Thank You Cards For A Music Teacher

A Collage of Written Testaments

Luckily for me, there are things here at my house that can’t escape me. Even if my attention span short circuits I can still take advantage of the treasures left behind from children that my husband taught music lessons to over the years. Above the desk there are thank you cards pinned to the wall kinda forming a collage of folded paper. If you turn your head cock-eyed it’s nice to read the kind notes that JP’ students wrote him in big and sometimes awkward handwriting. Reading these cards remind me what I signed up for and makes having a home music business worth it… not at all being sarcastic.

Students Create Irresistible Thank You Cards For A Music Teacher

Thank You Cards & Memories

The great thing about reading cards, when I actually decide to keep them, is that just like a picture they bring back so many memories. It’s almost like I can actually see the person writing or saying what’s written on the card when I read it. I start thinking about a series of events, time of year, etc. that took place around the time the card was written, which makes reading the cards from time to time a great experience.

Students Create Irresistible Thank You Cards For A Music Teacher


Am I the only one that keeps cards? I would love to hear your input.


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